“But I only eat wild fish”
We always scratch our head when we get this comment.⠀
To us, the “farmed vs wild” isn’t useful when you’re trying to make a good choice for your health, the taste, or the planet.
That’s because there are wild fish (more than you think) that carry toxins from what’s in the water.
Wild fish can have mediocre taste or texture from how their caught. And have questionable environmental or human rights records.⠀
But other wild fish are safe to eat, taste great, and are from well-managed fisheries.
There are also fish farms that aren’t good, damage ecosystems, or produce fish that tastes poor.
But then there are many farmers (like us!) who raise fish with ethical, humane and eco-friendly methods. (And we always welcome a taste test!)
Instead of asking “farmed vs wild”, we suggest asking “is it eco-certified?” and also “is it local?”.⠀
Eco-certifications like Best Aquaculture Practices and Ocean Wise Seafood show that your fish was raised in a way that’s good for the fish, safe to eat, and stewards the planet. And those things always mean it’s going to taste better!⠀
And buying local keeps you away from a complex international supply chains known to mislabel and hide untrustworthy practices.
Nothing makes a good farmer happier when you ask questions about how they raise their animals, and we’re no different.
So thanks for all of you who take the time to learn where your food comes from! ⠀